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Holy Cross Catholic MAC

We are a family of two secondary and five primary catholic schools within Coventry, working together as a family of schools to formulate the Holy Cross Multi Academy Company.


Our motto is

Achieving together in Faith


Our mission is

Our school communities are united as the family of God to provide an outstanding Catholic education for all our pupils. With Christ at the centre of all we do, we will inspire every child to be the best person they can be by developing their God given gifts and talents. 


As Directors our role is to oversee the catholic vision, leadership and performance of our schools whilst developing partnerships between them. We actively encourage the individuality within the schools and want to develop staff and systems to achieve outstanding education.

We are committed to ensuring that, by working in partnership, we offer a safe catholic learning experience for all our students, where they can learn and develop their God given talents so as to achieve their full potential.

John Teahan
Chair Foundation Director
Holy Cross Catholic Multi Academy Company



Holy Cross MAC Contact Details

Holy Cross Catholic MAC
c/o St Augustine Catholic Primary School                                                                                                       
Heathcote Street, Radford
Coventry CV6 3BL

tel: 02475 186 555



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